Petrus van der Velden Mount Rolleston and the Otira River (detail) 1893. Oil on canvas. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, purchased 1965

Petrus van der Velden Mount Rolleston and the Otira River (detail) 1893. Oil on canvas. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, purchased 1965

Petrus van der Velden Jacksons, Otira Circa 1893. Oil on canvas. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, purchased with assistance from the Olive Stirrat Bequest 2003

Petrus van der Velden Otira Gorge c.1891–3. Charcoal. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, purchased with assistance from the Olive Stirrat bequest 2008

Petrus van der Velden Self-portrait with Otira background 1913. Charcoal. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, bequeathed by Miss D C Bates 1983

Petrus van der Velden Mount Rolleston and the Otira River 1893. Oil on canvas. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, purchased 1965
This exhibition is now closed
This exhibition brings together a comprehensive selection of Van der Velden's paintings portraying the wild, untouched natural beauty of the Otira region's mountainous landscape.
This exhibition was originally scheduled to run from 11 February until 15 May 2011. Unfortunately its run was ended by the 22 February Christchurch earthquake. However, you can still buy the book.
Located in the heart of the Southern Alps, the wild, untouched natural splendour of the Otira Gorge has long been a source of inspiration for artists. This exhibition brings together for the first time a comprehensive selection of paintings and drawings representing Petrus van der Velden's intensely personal vision of Otira – some of the most powerful works to have been created in New Zealand. The exhibition also offers a unique opportunity to view a selection of works that respond to Otira and Van der Velden by artists as diverse as John Gibb, Alfred Walsh, Colin McCahon and Ann Shelton.
Exhibition number 864
11 February – 22 February 2011 -
Peter Vangioni -
Exhibition number:
864 -
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