
Anne-Sophie Ninino restores the historic frame of Burial in the Winter on the Island of Marken by Petrus van der Velden. Photo: John Collie

Anne-Sophie Ninino restores the historic frame of Burial in the Winter on the Island of Marken by Petrus van der Velden. Photo: John Collie

Design a new frame for one of the city’s favourite paintings!

Behind the scenes

Ākonga from Years 3–8 are invited to enter a competition to design an imaginative frame for one of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū’s most treasured paintings, Burial in the Winter on the Island of Marken (also known as The Dutch Funeral).

This iconic 150-year-old painting is having its original gold frame restored by our expert conservator, Anne-Sophie Ninino. Competion winners will get to go behind-the-scenes to meet Anne-Sophie and apply a piece of gold leaf to the frame.

Download your entry form here

Petrus van der Velden Burial in the Winter on the Island of Marken [The Dutch Funeral] 1872. Oil on canvas. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, gift of Henry Charles Drury van Asch, 1932

Petrus van der Velden Burial in the Winter on the Island of Marken [The Dutch Funeral] 1872. Oil on canvas. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, gift of Henry Charles Drury van Asch, 1932

Who can enter?
Children aged 7–12 years (Years 3–8).
One winner will be selected from Years 3–4, Years 5–6 and Years 7–8.

The prize
Three children will get to meet expert conservator Anne-Sophie Ninino and apply a piece of gold leaf to the real frame.

Prize winners will meet Anne-Sophie at 10am on Thursday 17 April (during the school holidays). A parent or caregiver is welcome to attend with each child. A photograph of the children gilding the frame will be made available to media for publication.

How to enter
Design a frame using any materials – and plenty of imagination! All entries must be on the official entry form.

Drop completed entries in the drop-box in the Gallery foyer or hand them to the front counter by Wednesday 9 April.

Winning entries will be announced on Friday 11 April.
Entries that do not win a prize can be collected from the Gallery until 1 May.

Any questions?
Email emma@christchurchartgallery.org.nz

Anne-Sophie Ninino with the historic frame of Burial in the Winter on the Island of Marken by Petrus van der Velden. Photo: John Collie

Anne-Sophie Ninino with the historic frame of Burial in the Winter on the Island of Marken by Petrus van der Velden. Photo: John Collie

For Teachers and Parents

About the painting
This large oil painting was made by Petrus van der Velden in 1872. Set in a wintry landscape on an isolated Dutch island called Marken, the scene shows a group of people walking in a funeral procession across the snow-covered ground. They are dressed in dark-coloured clothes and looking sad because they are mourning the death of a local fisherman who drowned. Two men push the coffin, while the mourners follow. In the distance, the snow-covered roofs of the village are pale against the heavy, grey sky.
The painting is nearly three-metres long, and is usually shown in its beautiful gold frame. Once, the Gallery hung it in an exhibition without its gold frame – it looked very different, and some visitors complained that they wanted to see the painting with its frame!

About conservation
Caring for the city’s taonga is an important part of our mahi at Christchurch Art Gallery. Our conservation team preserves and repairs artworks, protecting them from wear and tear over time. Taking care of our treasures means we can all enjoy them – now and for years to come.