Helen Calder Orange Up (detail) 2012. Reproduced courtesy of the artist. helencalder.co.nz

Helen Calder Orange Up (detail) 2012. Reproduced courtesy of the artist. helencalder.co.nz
This exhibition is now closed
Helen Calder's new work, Orange Up, provides a refreshingly bold statement on the Gallery bunker using one of the powerhouses in the range of colours: orange.
Christchurch artist Helen Calder has produced a new work titled Orange Up for Stereoscope, part of Christchurch Art Gallery's Outer Spaces programme. Located on the Montreal Street side of the bunker in front of the Gallery, Orange Up, with its pure abstract orange forms, provides a refreshing and vibrant contrast to the bunker's grey stone walls. A pure field of bright orange sits harmoniously alongside an orange deflated balloon – yet you get the sense the party is far from over with this work. Orange Up has a warmth and dynamism that projects out into the street. It is a bold statement using one of the powerhouses in the colour spectrum: orange.
June – August 2013 -
26E Lichfield Street -
Exhibition number:
922 -
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