Reuben Paterson Te Pūtahitanga ō Rehua 2005. DVD. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, purchased 2009. Reproduced courtesy of the artist

Reuben Paterson Te Pūtahitanga ō Rehua 2005. DVD. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, purchased 2009. Reproduced courtesy of the artist
This exhibition is now closed
Op-art patterns, expanses of glitter and Māori stories of water. They're all set in motion in this dazzling video installation by New Zealand artist Reuben Paterson.
It took many jars of glitter to make the backdrop for Reuben Paterson's digital animation. But the most important material in this exhibition is light – projected light that hits the huge glitter screen in dazzling op-art patterns. Drawn from the collection of Christchurch Art Gallery, Paterson's video was partly inspired by traditional Māori stories of water, stars, cleansing and transcendence. Turning, splitting, spiraling and budding across a screen five metres wide, Reuben Paterson's Te Pūtahitangi ō Rehua conjures a space of infinite depth and endless change. (This exhibition runs concurrently with Seung Yul Oh's spectacular balloon sculpture Huggong, just a short walk away in the C1 building on Tuam Street.)
21 March – 24 April 2013 -
212 Madras Street -
Exhibition number:
937 -
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