Michael Parekowhai
Aotearoa New Zealand, b.1968
Ngā Ariki Rotoawe,
Ngāti Whakarongo,
Cosmo McMurtry
- 2006
- Woven nylon substrate, pigment, electrical components
- The Jim Barr and Mary Barr Gift, 2011
- 3300 x 1800 x 2800mm
- 2011/250
Tags: animals, cartoons (humorous images), inflatable, rabbits
Some characters aren’t quite what they seem, no matter how charming. Michael Parekōwhai’s Cosmo McMurtry is a noxious pest in the guise of a Disney-worthy bunny. Even his doe-eyed, cutesy appearance can’t quite erase our awareness of the toll his endlessly multiplying relatives have taken on Aotearoa New Zealand’s natural environment. It’s a short hop from one introduced, invasive species to the next, which leads us to an uncomfortable question: is Cosmo a rabbit-shaped personification of colonisation?
(Dummies & Doppelgängers, 2 November 2024 – 23 March 2025)