To the memory of Julian Dashper
Behind the scenes
One of the highlights for staff over the eight or so years that the Christchurch Art Gallery was open prior to the shakes was the opportunity to work alongside Julian Dashper on his exhibition To The Unknown New Zealander.

Julian and Peter installing Untitled (The Warriors) in 2007.
To The Unknown New Zealander ran from 10 August to 14 October 2007 and no fewer than six Julian Dashper drum kits found their way into exhibition spaces throughout the Gallery. As resident curator / drummer I got to help Julian assemble his big bang theory drum kits as well as Untitled (The Warriors). I've played a few nice kits over the years – the Doublehappy's amber Ludwig Vistalite being one highlight – but being Julian's roadie for a week back in 2007, that was one of the biggest gigs I ever got.