David Simpson

One Hand Loose

One Hand Loose

Smoking twin-guitar free-form skuzz, metronomic neo-Kraut vamping, or loose-limbed hayriding hootenanny? One hand Loose is all of the above and more.

The World is an Abstracting Machine

The World is an Abstracting Machine

Australian artists David Haines and Joyce Hinterding live and work in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales. Working in a collaborative partnership as Haines & Hinterding, they explore the unseen energies that surround us through an artistic practice that incorporates science, the occult and philosophy. Bulletin editor David Simpson spoke to the artists in October 2016.

Art Makes Me... A Winner!

Art Makes Me... A Winner!

Meet Kylie Hansen from Christchurch. She's the lucky winner of our Art Makes Me selfie competion. 

Triple whammy

Triple whammy

We were delighted to pick up three wins at the Museums Australia Publication and Design Awards 2015 (MAPDAs) in Sydney on Friday night. 



There are some great transitional works in our basement these days. It turns out Fulton Hogan employee Juan Pablo Laplechade is pretty handy with a scrabbler... 

Out of the Box

Out of the Box

Here's a swag of photos from our Out of the Box event last Saturday. 

Cotton talk at Ilam

Cotton talk at Ilam

This past weekend was the last chance to see Shane Cotton's mighty Haymaker series down at the Ilam Campus Gallery. 

I will not use gnome puns

I will not use gnome puns

Two 8-foot mirror finished steel gnomes in climbing harnesses are spectacle enough without the need for word play.

Hacked Off

Hacked Off

A topical (or recently topical at least) work from our collection today, from none other than William Hogarth.

If a tree falls in a forest

If a tree falls in a forest

but a conservation minister doesn't hear it fall, does it make a dollar?