Tara McLeod, broadsheet from Contemporary Letterpress (detail), 2010

Tara McLeod, broadsheet from Contemporary Letterpress (detail), 2010
This exhibition is now closed
An exhibition of beautifully crafted, designed and hand-printed books from New Zealand's most renowned private press, The Pear Tree Press.
The Pear Tree Press, New Zealand's most renowned private press, was established in Auckland in 1988 by Tara McLeod. It specialises in beautifully crafted, designed and hand-printed books, broadsheets, posters, typographical prints and ephemera, often created in collaboration with notable New Zealand writers and artists. McLeod shuns digital technology in his studio, instead embracing hands-on letterpress equipment, much of it effectively obsolete in the modern printing industry. Pear Tree Press productions feature type that is hand set, inked and printed, created on ancient presses that include an Albion dating from 1832. McLeod's skill and craftsmanship, both as a printer and typographer, are brought to bear on his craft and his printing is among the very best in Australasia.
Proceed and be Bold: The Pear Tree Press has been timed to coincide with the WORD Christchurch Writers & Readers Festival 2014.
25 August – 6 October 2014 -
Peter Vangioni -
Exhibition number:
974 -
In association with