Meg Porteous and Rea Burton Nancy Treadler (still) 2022. Single-channel digital video; duration 7 min, 38 sec. Courtesy of the artists

Meg Porteous and Rea Burton Nancy Treadler (still) 2022. Single-channel digital video; duration 7 min, 38 sec. Courtesy of the artists

Meg Porteous and Rea Burton Nancy Treadler (still) 2022. Single-channel digital video; duration 7 min, 38 sec. Courtesy of the artists
This exhibition is now closed
In this moving-image work, artists Meg Porteous and Rea Burton take inspiration from preening pigeons outside their studio to create an exaggerated mimicry of the art world.
The main character, Nancy Treadler, is based on infamous New York gallerist Mary Boone. Before her imprisonment for tax evasion, Boone’s speculative approach to promoting artists was influential in developing the international art market’s hunger for new talent. Clacking her stilettos and delivering a persuasive spiel to a prospective collector, Treadler is every bit the chic art dealer. Yet, the similarities between her bird-like posturing and the pigeons pecking at seed and food scraps reveal a slipping façade between persona and reality. The scavenging creatures outside the high-rise building might not be so different from those inside after all…
Read a piece to accompany this work by Bridget Riggir-Cuddy here.
10 March – 9 July 2023 -
Jane Wallace -
Exhibition number: