Catch the Bus Into Town
Megan made a special trip to the David Cook: Meet Me in the Square exhibition last week after seeing a photograph in The Press of her and her friend at the Cathedral Square bus stop, taken in 1984.

Caption: Megan from Rangiora with a photograph of her (seated right) and her friend at the Cathedral Sqaure bus stop taken in 1984.
Megan said that she would have been in the second year of high school when the photograph was taken. Finding the advert in the newspaper was a surprise to her, especially as she did not remember being photographed. She does however remember having the fern plant in her room as well as the ruffle collar and fingerless gloves being popular styles at the time.
Her experiences of the central city around this time include going to the picture theatres and to Pizza Hut, which used to be located at the current Rebel Sport store site on Colombo Street.
"I used to take the bus into town from Halswell. The long bus ride meant it wasn't something I did every weekend. Many of my friends lived even further away so they would stay the night at my house and we'd spend the next day in town together. In this photo we would have been waiting to catch the bus home."
Today she lives in Rangiora and is a mother to two teenage daughters. Looking at the photograph, she added, "I don't know whether I would let them come into town by themselves now at that age!"
Thank you Megan for sharing your story with us.
Without being too affected by Megan's comment, we certainly hope that whatever your age and choice of transport might be, you make it down to see the exhibition at Level 1, 209 Tuam Street on until the 24th of May.
The catalogue for this exhibition is available on our Online Shop and also in the exhibition space.