Spotting Dad
When Caroline first found out about the David Cook: Meet Me in the Square exhibition through the Gallery's Facebook page before it opened, she had an inkling that she might see her father in the show.
When she made it to the exhibition space with her sister Katherine and nephew Ari one weekend not so long ago, they did in fact spot him in one of the photographs on display. However it was not without a very careful look.
Caroline and Katherine's father was a teacher of English, History and Economics at Christ's College through the 70s and 80s and was also the head of cadets. He can be seen in the photograph taken by David in 1983 of students practising shooting. He appears as a tiny figure in the background between other men who are positioned below the rifle held by the schoolboy on the right. Despite the distance he seems to be looking directly at the camera.
“It looks like he’s seen the photographer. He has a serious look on his face which is very typical of him,” says Caroline.
“As children we used to go into the school in the evenings when he had marking to do. We all grew up here so these images bring back memories of our childhood.”
After he finished teaching at Christ’s College, their father worked at the Hocken Archives in Dunedin where his job involved helping researchers and members of the public identify faces on old photographs.
“I remember dad holding up his magnifying glass against the photographs to get a closer look at the face of the person in question. It’s exciting that thirty years later, I am seeing him in a piece of history – I think dad would have liked that.”
Thank you Caroline for sharing your story with us. Caroline is the Director of The National, a dealer gallery dedicated to showing contemporary jewellery situated just a short 10 minutes walk away from us at 241 Moorehouse Avenue next to the Chambers 241 gallery. You can check out The National's website here.
David Cook: Meet Me in the Square runs until the 24th of May, 2015 at Level 1, 209 Tuam Street. The accompanying publication is available on our Online Shop and also in the exhibition space.