Library and Archives
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 2 number 1, August 1959
Download PDFKiln efficiency - Peter Stichbury
The electric Kiln - Jim Nelson
Using local clays - Elizabeth Matheson
Drat that kiln - Barry Brickell
Kiln plans
Napier pottery story - Constance Erdbrink
Earthenware slip glazes - Hilary Thurston
The biggets pots in the world? - Peter Stichbury
Plan of the kick wheel
Gallery 91 Christchurch - Winifred Hunt
Third New Zealand potters' Exhibition
A studio potter's point of view: Mavis Jack
ANother slice from a potter's diary - Prof. Bailey
Thumping big pots - Barry Brickell
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 4 number 1, July 1961
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 39 number 2, 1997
New Zealand Potter