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New Zealand Potter

New Zealand Potter volume 27 number 3, 1985

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Through the Filter Press - Katherine Sanderson
Canterbury ’86. NZ Society of Potters
Books Reviewed - Howard S. Williams
The Park of Peace - Margaret Coupe
Pottery in the Antipodes of NZ - Santi Cabasa
Jo Munro - Daphne Hendrie
Thirty Years a Journeyman Potter - Sally Vinson
Clayazart, Rotorua - Chloe King
Biscuit n’ Glost - John Green
New Directions - Patti Meads
The Making of Pots  - E.V. Sale
Comment - Peter Gibbs
The Black and White Show - Roger King
NZ Ceramics 1985 - Peter Gibbs
Fire and Form Potters Co - operative. .
Intuition as a Design Element - Brian Gartside
Tauranga Potters' Group
Winstones Ties That Bind
Peter Collis Pottery Workshop
Potters Market

New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 6 number 2, December 1963
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 34 number 2, 1992
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 24 number 2, Spring 1982