Library and Archives

New Zealand Potter

New Zealand Potter volume 28 number 3, 1986

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Through the Filter Press, James Greig, Master Potter - Howard S. Williams
“Wanganui ’87”
Furnace Engineering; Ceramic Videos
Suzanne Clifford; Craft Tour; Norseware Art Award
Book Reviews - Howard S. Williams
Winter Dialogues at Pots of Ponsonby
April Pearson - Evelyn Kelly
“Going, Going, Gone" - Graeme Storm
Ray Rogers
Harry Davis - Helen Mason
Harry Davis - Stan Jenkins
Black and White at 12 Potters
Oil-Fed Gas Producers - Phillip Robinson
Comments on above - Barry Brickell
Noel Pyecroft, Brickmaker - Leo King
Auckland Studio Potters 25th Jubilee Exhibition
First National Australian Ceramics Symposium - John Crawford
Philips Glass Award - Sam Halstead
Nelson Potters Association Annual Exhibition
Nicky Jolly - Howard S. Williams
Steve Fullmer - Doreen Blumhardt, CBE
“You‘re a What?” - Geoff Ireland
Rick Rudd at Albany Village Pottery
Philip Luxton at New Vision Ceramics
Potters Market

New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 7 number 2, February 1965
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 23 number 2, Spring 1981
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 27 number 2, 1985