Swings by Ethel Spowers

Swings by Ethel Spowers

This article first appeared in The Press on 12 January 2018 as 'A champion of the pioneering linocut'.


Hidden Light: Early Canterbury and West Coast Photography

Uncovering the remarkable, largely unseen work of early New Zealand photographers.


Closer: Old Favourites, New Stories

New perspectives on ten of the Gallery’s best-loved paintings.


Yellow Moon: He Marama Kōwhai

Yellow is a colour with impact – it’s time to encounter its brilliance.


The Weight of Sunlight

Sunlight, warmth and the lure of escape and travel

Among the sandhills by Adrian Stokes

Among the sandhills by Adrian Stokes

This article first appeared as 'Sandhills painting's life as nomadic as artist's' in The Press, 15 August 2017.

Portrait of John Marshman by Samuel Butler

Portrait of John Marshman by Samuel Butler

This article first appeared as 'Painting's fascinating life mirrors subject's ' in The Press, 15 May 2017.

Such Human Tide

Such Human Tide

The exhibition He Waka Eke Noa brings together colonial-era, mainly Māori, portraiture alongside objects linked to colonisation – it’s a predictably uncomfortable mix. While the degree of discomfort may depend on one’s background or degree of connection to an enduringly difficult past, objects related to emigration and colonisation can be a useful lenses. As relics from a specific period in global history, when the movement of (particularly) European people was happening at an unprecedented scale, they hold stories with a measure of complexity that obliges an open-minded reading. There is no denying that they speak of losses and gains, of injustices and rewards.

Making Ligurian Lace by H H La Thangue

Making Ligurian Lace by H H La Thangue

This article first appeared as 'Artist chased the sun for the right light, warmth' in The Press, 19 October 2016.


He Waka Eke Noa

Colonial-era portraits represent a legacy that illuminates the present.

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