Art at home: colouring in
By Bianca van Leeuwen

Colouring in: Cosmo McMurtry
Cosmo looks a lot like the Easter Bunny to me – and luckily for us Jacinda Ardern has confirmed that the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy are considered essential workers while we're in lockdown!

Colouring in: Le Stryge
This fantastical guardian creature sits on top of the north tower of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. Some say it's a ghoul and others a vampire. Whatever it is, it looks a bit cheeky with its tongue poking out!

Colouring in: In the Orchard
This gorgeous painting In the Orchard is by British artist Lucy Kemp-Welch, who was famous for her incredible paintings of horses. She also became known as 'the artist who painted Black Beauty'. Have you heard of or read the book Black Beauty? It's a story by Anna Sewell about a beautiful black horse.

Colouring in: In the Wizard's Garden
This painting looks as if there’s a story happening in it. What do you think that story is?

Colouring in: Nathaniel Webb, Esq., of Roundhill Grange, Charlton Musgrove, Somerset
This painting was made around 300 years ago, so it’s quite old. The man in the picture was called Nathaniel Webb. In his portrait Nathaniel wears very fine clothes and a wig. It seems strange to us now but at that time it was a popular fashion for rich men to cut their own hair short and wear a wig.

Colouring in: Flowers in a Vase
This lovely painting of flowers was painted a very long time ago, about 1685. It is called a still life, which is a drawing or painting of an arrangement of everyday objects.

Colouring in: A Garden Enclosed
This screenprint by Eileen Mayo is of Cuningham House, the big glass house in the Christchurch Botanic Gardens. The building is kept warm all year so that the plants inside stay healthy and grow well. Have you been there? What sort of plants did you see?

Colouring in: Victorian Jug
There are lots of beautiful flowers in the jug in this screenprint by Eileen Mayo. How many different types of flowers can you find?

Colouring in: Cats in the Trees
This artwork is a linocut print called Cats in the Trees. The artist, Eileen Mayo, loved all animals, but cats were her favourite. What's your favourite animal?

Colouring in: Mantis in the Sun
This print by Eileen Mayo is like a close-up of a praying mantis and the insect it has caught. It shows a lot of detail. It's almost like we are right next to it!

Colouring in: The Doves
This wood engraving by Eileen Mayo was created by carving the picture onto a block of wood. Eileen was known for her great skill at doing this. She then used a roller to put a thin coat of ink onto the carved wood and pressed it onto paper to make this print. Have you ever tried making a print by carving something like a potato and then applying ink or paint and pressing it onto paper?

Colouring in: Toroa / Northern Royal Albatross
Did you know that the Toroa (also called the Northern Royal Albatross) is the world's largest seabird? Where do you think they live? Take a look this live web feed of a chick for a clue...

Colouring in: Doric Dairy
In the old days, milk was delivered to people's homes by horse and cart. The milk was ladled into tin pots (called billies) from a big metal urn. Can you find the urn where the milk is kept in this linocut? What colour is it?