
Eileen Mayo The Doves 1948. Wood engraving. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, purchased 1972
Colouring in: The Doves
This wood engraving by Eileen Mayo was created by carving the picture onto a block of wood. Eileen was known for her great skill at doing this. She then used a roller to put a thin coat of ink onto the carved wood and pressed it onto paper to make this print. Have you ever tried making a print by carving something like a potato and then applying ink or paint and pressing it onto paper?
This print shows two doves. What are they doing?
What do you notice about the background? What do you think the doves are resting in? It looks a bit like seaweed!
What do you notice about the mark-making in this work? Can you find... short lines? Curvy lines? Straight lines? Where has the artist placed them? Why do you think she did that?
Eileen chose just black for this print. You can make your own print using the line drawing and choose as many colours as you like.
Download the colouring sheet here. When you're finished, you could take a photo of your work and ask an adult to tag us on social media (#chchartgallery).