
Eileen Mayo Cats in the Trees 1931. Linocut. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, presented by Rex Nan Kivell, 1953
Colouring in: Cats in the Trees
This artwork is a linocut print called Cats in the Trees. The artist, Eileen Mayo, loved all animals, but cats were her favourite. What's your favourite animal?
These two cats are tabbies - you can tell by the stripes on their fur. What is another type of BIG cat with stripes? How many other types of cats can you think of that have different patterns or markings on their fur?
What do you notice about the colour of the cats' eyes and the leaves on the trees?
The sky in the background looks a dark blue. What time of day do you think it might be? Did you know that most cats are nocturnal, which means they like to be awake at night and sleep during the day?
It looks like the cats are halfway up the tree. What do you think they are doing up there?
Did you see the claws on the cats paws? They use them to climb up and down trees. How do you think they keep them nice and sharp?
Cats come in all sorts of colours and patterns. Download the colouring sheet here and use coloured pencils, crayons or felts to colour your cats. You could even use a different colour for each cat! When you're finished, you could take a photo of your work and ask an adult to tag us on social media (#chchartgallery).