
Eileen Mayo Mantis in the Sun 1968. Relief print. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, purchased 2008
Colouring in: Mantis in the Sun
This print by Eileen Mayo is like a close-up of a praying mantis and the insect it has caught. It shows a lot of detail. It's almost like we are right next to it!
Can you guess why this insect is called a praying mantis? How has the mantis caught the other insect?
How do you think the artist got a praying mantis to pose for her?
What colours and shapes can you find in this work?
After she printed the main part of this image, the artist used two interesting materials to make inky patterns. Take a close look and see if you can spot where those fabric textures might be.
The artist used a lot of yellow and green in this work. Which colours would you like to try?
Download the colouring sheet here and have a go at creating your own. See how different you can make your version! When you're finished, you could take a photo of your work and ask an adult to tag us on social media (#chchartgallery).