Max Gimblett Ocean Wheel 2010. Pencil, ink, metallic ink, acrylic polymer, oil size, aluminium leaf / Arches 300 lb Watercolour Paper. France. The Max Gimblett and Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett Gift, 2011

Max Gimblett moon enso – king 2010. Acrylic / Arches Cover Black 100% Cotton Mouldmade Paper. France. The Max Gimblett and Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett Gift.
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A selection from the Max Gimblett and Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett gift.
Max Gimblett is a New Zealand-born, New York-based artist and Zen master renowned for the dynamism of his work and his expressive use of colour and ink. From brightly coloured abstract paintings to his pure black ink drawings, Ocean Wheel showcases an artist’s devotion to working on paper as a key part of his output. Featuring drawings, paintings, artist’s books and prints spanning Gimblett’s career from the 1960s to 2010, including examples from his iconic quatrefoil and enso series, Ocean Wheel acknowledges this major gift to Ōtautahi Christchurch.
1 August – 15 November 2020 -
Peter Vangioni -
Exhibition number: