John Nixon Self Portrait (Purple) 1988. Woodcut. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Whaiwhetu, purchased 1990
This exhibition is now closed
Experience outstanding examples of printmaking by eight leading contemporary Australian artists, working with a variety of techniques. Highlights include energised woodcuts by John Nixon and confrontational etchings by Mike Parr, two of Australia's foremost contemporary artists, and Jenny Watson's evocative Bottled Memories series.
Experience outstanding examples of printmaking by eight leading contemporary Australian artists, working with a variety of techniques.
Highlights include energised woodcuts by John Nixon and confrontational etchings by Mike Parr, two of Australia's foremost contemporary artists, and Jenny Watson's evocative Bottled Memories series.
Exhibition number 804
9 August – 9 November 2008 -
Peter Vangioni -
Exhibition number: