Behind the scenes
I'm pretty sure the kids at my daughters pre-school haven't seen Cai Guo-Qiang's Heritage, which was commissioned for his show Falling Back To Earth at the Gallery of Modern Art in Brisbane last year.

Unintentional Homage, Forfar Pre-schoolers, 2014

Cai Guo-Qiang Installation view of Heritage 2013. Commissioned for Cai Guo-Qiang: Falling Back to Earth, Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane, 2013. Purchased for the Queensland Art Gallery Collection with funds from the Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Diversity Foundation through and with the assistance of the Queensland Art Gallery. Gallery of Modern Art Foundation. Collection: Queensland Art Gallery
Regardless, I'm sure you'll agree their creative arrangement of animals (and a dinosaur, and a truck!) had a striking resemblance to his sublime installation. I had to laugh as they quizzically asked me why I was taking a photo of the table, but they seemed quite chuffed when I told them it was because it reminded me of a really cool artwork. Unfortunately I couldn't take this one home to pin on the fridge...