Library and Archives


Mothers (1981)

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Catalogue for the touring exhibition of the same name, held at the Robert McDougall Art Gallery 23 January – 21 February 1982.

Exhibition and catalogue produced by Anna Keir and Marian Evans for the Women's Gallery, Wellington, 1981.

Cover image by Robyn Kahukiwa. Design by Sharon Alston. Photography by Adrienne Martyn and Mary Bailey.

Essays by Bridie Lonie, Juliet Batten, Robin McKinlay.

Poems by Keri Hulme, Elizabeth Smither, Lauris Edmond, Joanna [Margaret] Paul, Fiona Kidman, Meg Campbell. Resource list by Marg Leniston. Artists: Allie Eagle, Anna Keir, Claudia Pond Eyley, Di ffrench, Helen Rockel, Jacqueline Fahey, Jane Zusters, Jill Stewart, Jo Cornwall, Joanna Margaret Paul, Juliet Batten, Linda James, Robin White, Robyn Kahukiwa, Sharon Alston, Tiffany Thornley. 

I do not cede by Heather McPherson (2022)
Mothers (1981)
The House of the Talking Cat (1983)