Library and Archives

New Zealand Potter

New Zealand Potter volume 27 number 1, 1985

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Through the Filter Press -John Crawford
QEII Arts Council Grants
Letters to the Editor
Wellington Potters Ass. lnc. - Murray Clayton
A Bit of History - Helen Mason
Joseph Mellor - Mike Rose
Water/Clay - Howard S. Williams
Craft Lo'tters, Nelson - Julie Gibbs
ASP. Annual Exhibition
Jochem Poensgen in NZ - Holly Sanford
The Pottery and Friends - Wayne Tasker
Books Reviewed - Howard S. Williams
Thackwood Pottery - Peter Gibbs
NatWest Award
Potters and Pots ’85 - Howard S. Williams
NZSP 27th Annual Exhibition
Art Works Foundry - Howard S. Williams
The Story of Copper-red Glazes - Mile Rose
Earthenware Clay Engobes - Gerald Rowan
John Turner, Sculptor
Potters Market


New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 23 number 2, Spring 1981
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 24 number 1, autumn 1982
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 26 number 2, 1984