Library and Archives

New Zealand Potter

New Zealand Potter volume 22 number 1, Autumn 1980

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National Exhibition, New Zealand Society of Potters
Vic Greenaway workshop
Frances Fredric in praise of 1200°C
Ann Bain’s wood kiln
Slab roller, extractor fan
Gas kilns and ceramic fibre insulation
Doing away with pot luck firing — CO2 analyser
Lynn and Mike Spencer
Low firing in open kilns
Firing stoneware with Waikato coal
Michael Lucas and Jill Totty
Steve Rumsey’s low temperature stoneware
Book Review, films, publications

New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 26 number 1, 1984
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 36 number 3, December 1994
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 28 number 3, 1986