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New Zealand Crafts and Craft New Zealand

New Zealand Crafts July 1983

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Kindly leant by the Macmillan Brown Library, University of Canterbury

Guest Editorial
From the Executive Director
James Krenov Workshop with Lee Elliott
Living Close to Real Things
PauI Beckett and Steve Denford at Rangotaua
Paul Mason at Ruahine II
A New Zealand Craft Identity?
Michael Glock of Design Design
Carin Wilson — Woodworker and President 
Health Hazards
Guild of Woodworkers
Malcolm Harrison,— Quiltmaker
Contemporary Australian Ceramics — Touring Exhibition
Crafts Council Happenings
Resource News

New Zealand Crafts and Craft New Zealand
Craft New Zealand issue 44, Winter 1993
New Zealand Crafts and Craft New Zealand
New Zealand Crafts issue 9, March-April 1984
New Zealand Crafts and Craft New Zealand
New Zealand Crafts issue 31, Autumn 1990