Library and Archives
New Zealand Crafts and Craft New Zealand
New Zealand Crafts issue 11, Spring 1984
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What's Happening at the Crafts Council
Carin Wilson, Philip Clarke
Leo Cappel - Building a Musical Magic
Making Wood Sing - Malcolm Collins and Stephen Delft
The Castle Musical Instrument Collection
Boxes, Hockney and Sullivan - the recent Great NZ Box Show
Papermaking - Kate Coolahan
Philips Studio Glass Award 1984
Flecther Brownbuilt Pottery Award 1984
Comment - Carole Shepeard looks at classes and workshops
Marlise Staehelin in NZ
Craft Education - Carin Wilson
World Crafts Council - Tenth General Assembly
Exhibition Review - Nelson Regional Crafts Exhibition
New Zealand Crafts and Craft New Zealand
Craft New Zealand issue 38, Summer 1991
New Zealand Crafts and Craft New Zealand
New Zealand Crafts issue 30, Summer 1989
New Zealand Crafts and Craft New Zealand