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AGMANZ and Te Ara

NZMJ Volume 24 Number 2 Summer 1994

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NZMJ Volume 24 Number 2 Summer 1994


Editorial / Prof. Keith Thomson
Auckland Museum's Caltex Volcanoes and Giants / Nigel Prickett
Planning processes and exhibition design / Richard Wolf
Valuation of heritage collections as assets - an overview / Bob Maysmor
Pathways to access: the relationship between communities and social history programmes in museums / Fiona Cameron
Museums and the collection of personal information - a guide to the Privacy Act 1993 / Tim Vial
A Bicultural Museums Association for Aotearoa New Zealand / John Coster
Otago Museum, The Wharenui Mataatua and the Waitangi Tribunal / Richard Cassels
The orthodoxy of biculturalism / David Butts
Reaching out, drawing in: the Otago Early Settlers Museum's Dutch Settler Project / Sean Brosnhan
Developments in the Army Museum education service / Angela Young
The left bank / Richard Arlidge
What's in those bottles out the back? / Ellen Forch
Museums Association of New Zealand Conference 1994 / Janet Davidson
Response to the MAANZ/MEANZ Conference 5-8 September 1994 / Angela Young
Contemporary Culture and Curators forun - an organisation for curators! / Fiona Cameron
North American study award / Billie Kay
Book reviews: Courierspeak - A Phrasebook for Couriers of Museum Objects / David Woodings; Arts in Aotearoa New Zealand / Time Walker

AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ News Volume 12 Number 1 March 1981
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ Journal Volume 17 Number 1 Autumn 1986
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ Newsletter number 17 March 1964