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AGMANZ and Te Ara

NZMJ Volume 26 Number 2 Summer 1997

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NZMJ Volume 26 Number 2 Summer 1997

Note: The numbering Volume 26 number 2 is assigned to both the Winter 1996 and the Summer 1997 issues.


He Poroporoaki / Taiarahia Black
Editorial / David Butts 
Mina McKenzie: Poroporoaki at Rata Marae / Stuart Park 
1996 MAANZ Conference Papers
Public scholarship as a vocation / Ivan Karp
Museums and their constitutencies / Tony Bennett 
Random Thoughts / Response: Susan Abasa 
Natural history and bicultural issues
Biculturalism, the Treat, and the spirit of partnership / Gerard O'Regan
How can the natural history components of museums become more relevant to iwi interests? / Greg Motu
Kawa Hua Tai Ao: The Kai Tahu Cultural Materials Policy / Matapura Ellison 
Kawa Hua Tai Ao: An Otago Museum Perspective / John Darby
Organisational flaming implications for research with Maori / E. C. Forch et al.
Museums internet and education / Ann Trewern
What do I do now?: Developing interactives for children / Maree Young and Lisa McCauley
Growing an audience for contemporary art / Xanthe Jujovich and Roger Taberner
Dunedin Botanic Garden Information Services / Alice Lloyd-Fitt
Living in two worlds: the history of a process / David Mealing and Theresa Sawicka 
How do visitors evaluate the quality of museum service? / T. S. Tan, D. J. Barnes and R. W. Smith
Gore District Council Museum Services / Jim Geddes
Capital E: A first for Wellington and New Zealand / Jude Benson
Wellington Maritime Museum developments / Ken Scadden
Keith W. Thomson Scholarships
Museum Studies - Massey University 1998

AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ newsletter number 43 January 1969
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ Journal Volume 19 Number 2 Fortieth Birthday Issue 1988
AGMANZ and Te Ara
Te Ara volume 27 number 2 November 2002