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AGMANZ and Te Ara

NZMJ Volume 26 Number 2 Summer 1997

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NZMJ Volume 26 Number 2 Summer 1997

Note: The numbering Volume 26 number 2 is assigned to both the Winter 1996 and the Summer 1997 issues.


He Poroporoaki / Taiarahia Black
Editorial / David Butts 
Mina McKenzie: Poroporoaki at Rata Marae / Stuart Park 
1996 MAANZ Conference Papers
Public scholarship as a vocation / Ivan Karp
Museums and their constitutencies / Tony Bennett 
Random Thoughts / Response: Susan Abasa 
Natural history and bicultural issues
Biculturalism, the Treat, and the spirit of partnership / Gerard O'Regan
How can the natural history components of museums become more relevant to iwi interests? / Greg Motu
Kawa Hua Tai Ao: The Kai Tahu Cultural Materials Policy / Matapura Ellison 
Kawa Hua Tai Ao: An Otago Museum Perspective / John Darby
Organisational flaming implications for research with Maori / E. C. Forch et al.
Museums internet and education / Ann Trewern
What do I do now?: Developing interactives for children / Maree Young and Lisa McCauley
Growing an audience for contemporary art / Xanthe Jujovich and Roger Taberner
Dunedin Botanic Garden Information Services / Alice Lloyd-Fitt
Living in two worlds: the history of a process / David Mealing and Theresa Sawicka 
How do visitors evaluate the quality of museum service? / T. S. Tan, D. J. Barnes and R. W. Smith
Gore District Council Museum Services / Jim Geddes
Capital E: A first for Wellington and New Zealand / Jude Benson
Wellington Maritime Museum developments / Ken Scadden
Keith W. Thomson Scholarships
Museum Studies - Massey University 1998

AGMANZ and Te Ara
Te Ara volume 28 number 1, May 2003
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ newsletter number 27 May 1966
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ News Volume 15 Number 2 June 1984