Hidden in Plain Sight

Hidden in Plain Sight

In 1997, I went to see an exhibition called White Out, curated by William McAloon for Auckland Art Gallery’s contemporary space. The show’s subtitle unambiguously promised ‘Recent Works by Seven Artists’, but as I completed my circuit I realised I’d come up one maker short. 

Sparks that fly upwards

Sparks that fly upwards

Curator Felicity Milburn remembers five years and 101 installations in a gallery without walls.



Dear John/ Welcome Back/ With Love

It might be old-school, but everyone likes to get a postcard, and Wayne Youle’s latest project invites visitors to communicate their Gallery experience, create their own art mail or just write a letter to their mum.

New Brighton by Margaret Stoddart

New Brighton by Margaret Stoddart

This article first appeared as 'Stoddart: an artist for all seasons' in The Press on 17 November 2015.


A Room of One's Own

Three influential female artists united by talent, tenacity and self-belief.


Ata Wairere

Contemporary works that create subtle openings for connection and contemplation.



Nature's Artist: Margaret Stoddart

The dazzling watercolours of an adventurous and trailblazing Canterbury artist.


The Newest New World

Discover a tiny, spellbinding world made out of rainbow-coloured sugar. 

Sang by Tony Oursler

Sang by Tony Oursler

This article first appeared in The Press as 'The many faces of Tony Oursler' on 14 July 2015.

Holy Exploding Eyefuls, Batman

Holy Exploding Eyefuls, Batman

Back when we were installing his work as part of Burster Flipper Wobbler Dripper Spinner Stacker Shaker Maker at the Art Box, I mentioned that Mark Braunias had been working on a longterm project involving a creative re-imaginging of encyclopaedia imagery. The latest iteration of this work is currently on display in Anti-Groovy at Jonathan Smart Gallery, and it's definitely worth a look, or twelve.

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