Judy Darragh: The Grid

Judy Darragh: The Grid


Past event



Join us this Labour Weekend and take part in a big artist’s take-over project involving a riot of colour and a heap of bright bright paper-based tape.

Work with Judy Darragh to make grids over the glass surfaces in the Bayleys Knight Frank Foyer and maybe make an object together from the tape afterwards - we will see what emerges. This is your chance to make friends with art and get busy with tape!

Darragh is much-loved art world figure in Aotearoa New Zealand for her vigorous relationship with materials. Her work is rich with the stuff of consumerism, feminism in practice, and dazzling fluorescents. With a long history as a maker, educator and collaborator, she is an all-round queen of style.

At 3pm on Sunday there will also be a performance from the University of Canterbury Percussion Ensemble - stick around for that.