Claudius Brassington
Aotearoa New Zealand, b.1873, d.1945
A Fragment In Marble (Portrait of Eva Alice Brassington)
- 1913
- Marble
- Presented by Mr Alan Brassington, 1980
- 325 x 250 x 113mm
- 80/22
Tags: girls, people (agents), portraits
In the exhibition White on White (23 November 2008 - 26 October 2009), this work appeared with the following label:
Claudius Brassington carved this portrait of his daughter Eva from a block of stone called marble. Perhaps taking a photograph would have been easier, but it wouldn’t have been as impressive! Stone carving was something he first learned from his father William, who was an early Christchurch stonemason, and they both worked on monuments and buildings throughout the city.
A carved portrait of Eva’s brother Alan wearing a strange hat can be found in the gallery over the wavy staircase.