Ranui Ngarimu

Aotearoa New Zealand, b.1946
Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Mutunga, Māori

Ko Tahu, ko Hamo koa

  • 2024
  • Muka, kiwi, takahē, kererū, weka, toroa, cotton
  • Purchased 2024
  • 195 x 215mm
  • 2024/119.1-3

Ranui Ngarimu is one of Aotearoa New Zealand’s most renowned kaiwhatu. In response to an invitation from Riki Manuel and the Gallery, Whaea Ranui has made the three garments adorning Tahupōtiki and Hamoterangi in Manuel’s Poumanawhenua. Using materials such as muka and feathers from manu such as toroa and takahē, Whaea Ranui’s kākahu are chiefly in their design and making, befitting the mana of the tūpuna carved by Manuel.

kaiwhatu ~ weavers

muka ~ prepared harakeke fibre

manu ~ birds

kākahu ~ cloaks, garments

mana ~ prestige, respect, authority

tūpuna ~ ancestors

These weavings adorn a pou made by carver Riki Manuel.

You can read more about his work here.

kaiwhatu ~ weavers

muka ~ prepared harakeke fibre

manu ~ birds

kākahu ~ cloaks, garments

mana ~ prestige, respect, authority

tūpuna ~ ancestors

Exhibition History