Ron Mueck
chicken / man
- 2019
- Mixed media
- Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, purchased 2019 by Christchurch Art Gallery Foundation with assistance from Catherine and David Boyer, Friends of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, Charlotte and Marcel Gray, Ben Gough Family Foundation, Jenny and Andrew Smith, Gabrielle Tasman and Ken Lawn, Christchurch Art Gallery Foundation’s London Club along with 514 other generous individuals and companies
- Courtesy Anthony d’Offay, London
- 860 x 1400 x 800mm
- 2019/005.a-b
Tags: birds (animals), chairs (furniture forms), hens, men (male humans), people (agents), tables (support furniture), underwear
A paunchy older man, his feet braced heavily against the floor, is counterbalanced by a vital young hen, coiled like a well-feathered spring. Positioning these unlikely combatants at either end of a table, Ron Mueck fills this sculpture with tension – it’s a tennis match, or a chess game, or maybe a trap. His protagonists look very different, but what they share is attitude; their unbreakable focus charges the narrow space between them. Neither is in any mood to back down. But what’s at stake here? And who should we be rooting for?
(Dummies & Doppelgängers, 2 November 2024 – 23 March 2025)
Exhibition History
Now, Then, Next: Time and the Contemporary, 15 June 2019 – 8 March 2020
What’s going on here? A man and a chicken stare balefully at each other, caught at the kitchen table in an eternal moment of tension. It’s impossible to say who started it. Was it the outraged old bloke, pushing himself to his feet? Or the chicken, chest thrust out like a tiny feathered general? The humour of the situation is undercut by an air of uncertainty.
Ron Mueck is an Australian sculptor, now living in England, who makes astonishingly life-like hyper-real sculptures of people caught in moments that are at once strange and ordinary. His figures look very human, but are conceived on a different scale – either vast and somehow vulnerable, or small and intense, like we see here in chicken / man. This shift in scale sets up moments of great emotional power.
chicken / man is the fifth and final in a series of works that were acquired to mark the number of years the Gallery was closed for repair after the Canterbury earthquakes of 2010 and 2011. It was commissioned by the Gallery from the artist, who created it for Christchurch, a place he has visited several times. “The idea of the chicken was as big a surprise to me as to the man at the table,” said Mueck. “But I knew immediately it was just the right blend of the mundane and the surreal.”
Persistent Encounters, 10 March 2020 – 19 September 2021
Ron Mueck is an internationally renowned, UK-based Australian sculptor who makes astonishingly life-like sculptures of people. Rarely life-sized, they are typically realised at either a vast or reduced scale, and caught in moments that are both everyday and puzzling. Here amidst a selection of mainly historical realist paintings, Mueck’s compelling chicken / man might seem an unlikely inclusion. But like these other works, it echoes common human experience, respecting human vulnerability and the weight of memory and loss.Along with thematic and emotional resonances, it also recalls the archetype of artist and muse – Mueck finding expressive potential in another person’s meticulously observed human frame. Meanwhile across the kitchen table, bird and man face each other intently.