
Olivia Spencer Bower Untitled c. 1940. Watercolour. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu, donated in memory of Rangipo and Judith Mete Kingi, 2016
A message from Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū
Dear friends,
I don’t have the words to express how I’m feeling at the moment, in the wake of what happened in our city last Friday. I know it’s the same for the Gallery team and many of our visitors over the past week. It’s hard to know what to do or what to say. Right now I am numb with shock and deep sadness. I simply don’t have the words.
Here at Christchurch Art Gallery we’ve been wondering what we can do. Earlier this week, a number of us from the Gallery walked together to the memorial site on Rolleston Avenue to lay flowers sent from our colleagues at City Gallery Wellington. We will visit the memorial again today, and some of us will go to the Al Noor Mosque on Deans Avenue to stand with those keeping watch during the afternoon prayer.
At the Gallery, we will broadcast a call to prayer starting at 1.30pm followed by two minutes of silence at 1.32pm. We welcome all our visitors to join us.
We stand with the Muslim members of our community, and collectively send our love, thoughts and support to the families who have lost loved ones.
Let’s stand strong, stand together and stand up.
Blair Jackson
Director, Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū