MAPDA time again
Behind the scenes
We were very pleased to win a couple of awards at the MAPDAs last Satuday.
B.176 is nearly finished now - we'll be at the printer early next week and if you're a Friend of the Gallery or on our mailing list it should be on your doorstep by 2 June. It'll also be available from our website.

That's great you say – what's MAPDA? It's not Mothers Against Prescription Drugs, it's not the Mid-Atlantic Petroleum Distributors Association (bad news – I see online we've missed their annual golf event. Bummer.) and it's not the Mid-Atlantic Pom and Dance Association. It is in fact the annual Museums Australia Publication and Design Awards.
The awards were announced last Saturday at the Museums Australia 2014 conference in Tasmania, where director Jenny Harper was on hand at the to collect our certificates. And not only did we pick up highly commended for another year of Bulletin (B.171, 172, 173 and 174), but we won best invitation for our invite to the Shane Cotton book launch. We'd like to say a big thank you to everyone involved in both projects, in particular all at Strategy Design & Advertising and Aaron Beehre.
In celebration, we'll give out five sets of the winning Bulletins (plus the most recent one – B.175) to the first five people to email us at info@christchurchartgallery.org.nz. Include the subject line MAPDA giveaway, and we'll notify winners by email soon.