On the level
Behind the scenes
Despite the fact that we're closed, over the past few months one area of the building has enjoyed visitor numbers that would make a lot of exhibition spaces slightly jealous.

Down in our basement, teams of workers from Uretek Ground Engineering (NZ) Ltd and a consortium of international experts from New Zealand, Australia, Japan and the United States have been working hard to relevel the building. And photographer John Collie was all over them like the Daily Mail on a drunken royal.

Apparently we've been raised by as much as 150mm in some places - a short walk around the exterior certainly shows a few places where we don't quite meet the pavement anymore.
So we're now very happy to report that all their work has paid off and the building is now officially level! While of course that's not the end of our repairs (next on our schedule is base isolation, followed by repairs to the distinctive glass facade, parapets on the roof line and the reinstatement of miles of lighting tracks and wiring) it's undoubtedly a pretty significant milestone. Here's to continued progress!