Eye Candy
Behind the scenes
We've got tasty art all wrapped up down at ArtBox.

Helen Calder's Yellow, blue, red and black (2013), wrapped up prior to installation.
With the installation of Burster Flipper Wobbler Dripper Spinner Stacker Shaker Maker well underway in our ArtBox gallery, new works are arriving each day, and late last week, these delicate shrouded forms appeared, laid out in translucent Tyvek like a selection of supersized gourmet sherbet sticks. They're part of Yellow, blue, red and black, Helen Calder's stunning installation of suspended paint pours, and while they presented a sweet Valentine-y palette in their swaddled state, they've now been unwrapped to reveal colours as intense and inviting as their paint names - Havoc, Lucky, Knock Out, Bombshell, Endeavour, Bitter Lemon - might suggest. Far classier than flowers and chocolate, you can sample them for yourself (in a strictly visual sense only, please) when the exhibition opens tomorrow.

Helen Calder's Yellow, blue, red and black (2013), wrapped up prior to installation.

Helen Calder's Yellow, blue, red and black (2013), wrapped up prior to installation.