
Oh Baby!

Behind the scenes

A great turn out for our recent Oh Baby, It's Art tour. Guides Guntra and Fi guided a group of ten parents, caregivers and little ones around the work of Locust Jones and Barry Cleavin, at 209 Tuam Street, upstairs from C1 Espresso.

Locust Jones Bankrupt, infuriated and confused (detail) 2011-12. Mixed media on paper. Courtesy of the artist, Dominik Mersch Gallery, Sydney, Whitespace, Auckland and Galerie Patrick Ebensperger, Berlin. Photo: Silversalt

Locust Jones Bankrupt, infuriated and confused (detail) 2011-12. Mixed media on paper. Courtesy of the artist, Dominik Mersch Gallery, Sydney, Whitespace, Auckland and Galerie Patrick Ebensperger, Berlin. Photo: Silversalt

Barry Cleavin: 24 Hour News Feed. Inkjet prints. Reproduced courtesy of the artist.

Barry Cleavin: 24 Hour News Feed. Inkjet prints. Reproduced courtesy of the artist.