Behind the scenes
Today seemed like an appropriate day to celebrate the unique beauty of the landscape in here in the South Island.

Sir Toss Woollaston Westland Landscape c.1962. Watercolour. Presented by Mr R. Scarlett, 1986. Reproduced courtesy of the Toss Woollaston Trust

Petrus van der Velden West Coast ranges c.1893. Oil on canvas. Collection of A. Wilding. Previously on loan to Christchurch Art Gallery as part of the Van der Velden: Otira exhibition

Margaret Stoddart An Otira Stream (also known as Mountain Rata) c.1927. Watercolour. Purchased, 1997

Bruce Connew Underground In The State-owned Escarpment Coalmine Near Denniston, Two Miners Return A Coaltruck To The Face 1981. Photograph. Reproduced with permission

Graham Bennett Main Street, Denniston. Photograph. Reproduced with permission
Just thought I'd sneak this post in quickly before the rules change tomorrow... That's the way to do it.