Populate! update #1 (not quite Hollywood)
Behind the scenes
Our tenth-birthday Populate! programme is revving up – fast. Here's the first of what'll be quite a few Populate! updates leading up to our birthday on May 10. (And a warning to those suffering coulrophobia, or fear of clowns: DON'T SCROLL DOWN.)


The not-quite-Hollywood set-up in our photography studio was perfect for these a-long-way-from-Hollywood hand-painted movie posters from Ghana, Africa – nine of which, from the collection of Christchurch painter Roger Boyce, will be on show at 209 Tuam Street from May 11.
Painted on flour sacks by an informal street guild of popular artists, and used to promote travelling shows (television monitor plus diesel generator) of Hollywood movies and lesser-known cinematic knock-offs, the posters are, in Boyce's words, 'fabulously lurid'.
And with movie names like these to choose from, it was never going to be hard to find a title for the show...

In the end, though, given the amazing combination of gore, artifice, commercial gumption and slapdash brio in these works, there was no going past this frightful item for the show's title.