Inland Empire
Behind the scenes
I spent some time on the weekend just been with a couple of mates scouting out a few good fishing and camping spots in South Canterbury.

Mt. Peel
We boosted down to Pleasant Point (and my, it really is pleasant) before exploring the back roads snaking around the Opihi River between there and Fairlie. The area is littered with little settlements like Cave and Raincliff, and aside from the great fishing spots (we'll be back, Hanging Rock Bridge!) the area boasts some great examples of early Maori rock art.

Austen Deans, Mist on Mt Peel

Opihi River, near Hanging Rick Bridge
We ventured back to Geraldine and up the Waihi and Orari Gorges before heading on to Peel Forest and the Rangitata River. Finally we took the inland scenic route back to Christchurch via the amazing Mayfield second hand traders, Mt. Somers and the Rakaia Gorge.
There are numerous works from the collection that draw inspiration from the area, including Albert Rae's idyllic depiction of the Opihi River and ultimate local Austen Deans stellar watercolour Mist on Mt. Peel, which is a spot on version of what we encountered on Saturday, showing just how little has changed in this stunning part of New Zealand.

Albert Rae, The Opihi River, South Canterbury