Behind the scenes
Have you ever visited one of the Rolling Maul exhibitions on it's final day and then attended the opening of the next show five days later?

If so, you may have wondered how the space got transformed in such a short period of time. OK, the NG space isn't that big, and a lot can get done in a week, but still, working offsite poses many challenges. Thus, the need to be as prepared as possible is paramount (try saying that five times as fast as you can...)

So when an exhibition requires a temporary wall to be built, 9 metres wide by almost 4 metres high, and there's an existing show to condition report and deinstall before the messy business of building can begin, it pays to do as much as we can in advance.

So if you do get along to see Scott Flanagan's current show this weekend, then be sure to come back next weekend for a vastly different experience, courtesy of Andre Hemer's new show, complete with huge false wall.