Diamond that shines
Behind the scenes
The ruins of Diamond Harbour's Godley House may have finally been removed but the stunning sparkling views out across Lyttelton Harbour remain.

Godley House site
Sad as it is to see such a significant building disappear I was pleased to see on my most recent visit that the ruins have finally been taken away as the grand old house was looking very forlorn, sad, wrecked and just plain dangerous after last years earthquakes. The site remains a wonderful spot to visit and makes for a good day trip (escape) from the city involving a ride on the ferry across the harbour. I hope they replace it with a new licensed premises before too long.

Margaret Stoddart, Godley House, Diamond Harbour (c.1913) watercolour. Collection Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, purchased with assistance from the Olive Stirrat Bequest, 1990.
A long time favourite with Christchurch Art Gallery visitors, Margaret Stoddart's painting Godley House, Diamond Harbour carries new significance now, representing as it does one of Banks Peninsula's lost treasures.