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New Zealand Potter

New Zealand Potter volume 30 number 1, 1988

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Through the Filter Press - Howard S. Williams
Making Encaustic Tiles - Barry Brickell
Medalta Pottery, Canada - Peter Stichbury
Wanganui Regional Community College
Waikato Society of Potters
Making a Cello - Peter Stichbury
James Greig - Ian Wedde
Jan White, Ceramic Sculptor
Christine Bell-Pearson and Margaret Maloney
Folk Pottery of Thailand - Graeme Storm
Maraba Marabarku! - Jan Kiesel
Glenys Barton - Leo King
Landmark Gallery - Amy Brown
Crewenna reactivated - Helen Mason
Peter Oxborough and Helen Johnson - Howard S. Williams

New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 37 number 3, December 1995
New Zealand Potter
Ten years of pottery in New Zealand
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 8 number 2, February 1966