Library and Archives

New Zealand Potter

New Zealand Potter volume 23 number 1, Autumn 1981

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Potters Symposium
Don Reitz
The New Society
John the potter
Frank Colson
The Raku firings
The National Exhibition
Crystal gazing
Saint Aubyns Potters
Honour for potter
Kelesita Tasere from Fiji
Baroque Politocaust
Build your own filter press
Air freighting
Salute to Bacchus
A philosophy of pottery, a standard for judging
Waimea Potters. The post-sales-tax Dynasty
Royce McGlashen
Bumished and primitive fired

New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 25 number 1, Autumn 1983
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 18 number 2, Spring 1976
New Zealand Potter
Bernard Leach: essays in appreciation