Library and Archives

New Zealand Potter

New Zealand Potter volume 5 number 2, December 1962

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The Design Centre - Mrs Jacqueline Kennish
Ceramics in England today - Kenneth Clark
Craftsmen Potters' Association - David Canter
Crafts Centre in Great Britain
Igneous rocks as glaze material - Ivan Englund
'Living national treasures' - Doreen Blumhardt
Céramique Internationale
Experiment in Feilding - M McCorkindale
Sixth New Zealand Potters' exhibition
Design in New Zealand - Geoffrey Nees
The craft shop - Tine Hos
Mineralogy for potters
Crowan pottery in New Zealand
Design Japan New Zealand - Doreen Blumhardt
Fourth Craft Conference of S E A
A New Zealand Potters' Guild? - Editorial committee

New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 12 number 2, Spring 1970
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 31 number 1, 1989
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 5 number 1, August 1962