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Monica 2, June-July 1996

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Monica issue 2, June-July 1996

More Artistic - Anna Sanderson on artists' profiles.
The problem with Monica - Terrence Hamdscomb sits Monica on the couch
The clothes we love - Alex Calder, Margreta Chance, Anita Dyne, Peter MCleavey, Bridget Orr and rachel Stone talk about their favourite clothes.
I declare the season open! - Relesia Beaver reports on openings where art and fashion meet.
Designing men - Simon REes on Zambesi man.
O le tatau Samoa - Damon Salesa on Greg Semu's decorated man.
The graduate - Christine McCarthy on the academic closet.
Westward Ho! - Alice Hutchison on sartorial adventure.
Wanting it all - Anna Miles on Jacqueline Fahey at the Fisher.
Another look - Astrid Mania on Cultural safety in Deutschland.
Mods and rockers - Tessa Laird has moving experiences at Transformers.
Rave new world - Daniel Malone gives disco biscuits a rave review.
Nocturnal emissions - Gavin Hipkins on fireworks.
Fancy clobber eh? - Excerpts from Donald Parsnips' daily journal.
MIni-short reports - Jim Speers on Ronnie van Hout, David Townsend on Terry Urbahn, Kai Jensen on Imants Tillers, Tony Lee on Chinese whispers, Chris Hilliard on Andrea du Chatenier, Margreta Chance on Kate Small.

Monica 3, August-September 1996
Monica 5 , Summer 1997
Monica 1, April 1996