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AGMANZ and Te Ara

Te Ara volume 30 number 2 November 2005

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Te Ara volume 30 number 2 November 2005


Editorial / Jane Legget
Museum studies and museums: bringing together theory and practice / Bronwyn Labrum and Conal McCarthy
With missionary zeal: public art galleries in the 1970s / Athol McCredie
From 'early settlerdom' to 'social history': changing museology at the Otago Settlers Museum / Anne Harlow
Pioneering history: learning from the Hamilton East Heritage Trail project / Jacqui Remnant
Recent claims for more moa and huge errors in museum identifications – cutting through the spin / Paul Scofield, Trevor Worthy, Richard Holdaway, Michael Bunce, Alan Cooper and Alan Tennyson
What is (not) and internship? / Ashley Remer
Careering into the future: steps towards unit standards / Phillipa Tocker
Records of the Auckland Museum - 75 years of publication, 1930-2005 / Brian Gill
Recent theses relating to New Zealand museums and collections / Recent doctoral thesis
Matariki: marking the passing of time / Catherine Jehly

AGMANZ and Te Ara
NZMJ Volume 24 Number 2 Summer 1994
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ Newsletter unnumbered report
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ newsletter number 45 March 1969