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AGMANZ and Te Ara

Te Ara volume 29 number 2 November 2004

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Te Ara volume 29 number 2 November 2004


Editorial / Jane Legget
Packaging the pre-Raphaelites at the Dunedin Public Art Gallery / Priscilla Pitts
On the waterfront: the New Zealand National Maritime Museum / Roger Smith
After the honeymoon - adjusting to life in a new building / Bronwyn Simes
Double booking - two Auckland museum libraries / Rosemary Deane
Regionalism re-assessed: a case study of art in the Waikato / Amy Watson & Conal McCarthy
Art spaces as research stations: investigating SOFA / Joanna Cobley
Getting involved: Wairoa Museum Kopututanga Taonga o Te Wairoa / Jim Samson
Curator's insight: Tauranga Art Gallery Project / Penny Jackson
Musings of an Architectural Paparazzi / Louis le Vaillant
Book reviews: Preserving what is valued: Museums Conservation and First Nations, author: Miriam Clavir / Elizabeth Yuda; On display: new essays in cultural studies, editors: Anna Smith and Lydia Wevers / Conal McCarthy
Obituary: Robert (Bob) Cecil Cooper, 1917-2004 / Ewen Cameron; James Mack, a.k.a. Galvan Kepler Macnamara, 1941-2004 / Julie Catchpole
Aboriginal repatriation extravaganza in Haida Gwaii / Robert Paterson
New Zealand Professional Conservators Group Pu Manaaki Kahurangi / Pamela Najar-Simpson

AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ News Cumulative Index to Volumes 2 and 3
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ News Volume 8 Number 1 February 1977
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ Newsletter number 1 September 1952